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Category: ReactJS

Unlocking the Power of useReducer: Executing Callbacks After State Changes


What Is React Hooks?

React Hooks were introduced in React 16.8 as a way to use state and other React features without writing class components. They allow functional components to have access to state management and...

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An Expert’s Guide To Best Frontend Practices for 2024

Angular, Progressive Web Apps, ReactJS

Frontend development serves as the interface between users and the digital world, influencing how individuals interact with and perceive websites and applications. In 2024, businesses and organizations recognize the...

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Why Choose ReactJS For Your Development? Benefits and Reasons & FAQ Answered


ReactJS, also known as React, is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Facebook. It is widely used for building user interfaces (UIs) for single-page applications (SPAs) and web applications. React utilizes...

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Top Reason Why React JS is the Best Framework For Your Project


What is React JS?

React JS is basically an open-source javascript library that was deployed by facebook 2011, 2012. React is a more powerful, efficient, and flexible javascript library for building dynamic, fast,...

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Svelte vs React: Choose What’s Right For Your Next Project



In the web development world, a new front-end framework comes out every day. Most come and go. But when it’s come to front-end web development, Svelte and React are two choices that come to our mind. ...

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Why Top Brands Utilize ReactJS For Their Websites and Apps


ReactJS is a JavaScript library widely used for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces in web development. It has gained significant popularity due to its unique features and advantages. ReactJS follows...

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Building eCommerce Stores Using ReactJS: A Comprehensive Guide


Introduction: Welcome to our comprehensive guide on creating eCommerce stores using ReactJS. In today’s digital age, eCommerce has become increasingly popular, and choosing the right technology stack is crucial...

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Difference Between:- Angular5 vs ReactJS and Vue.js : What to Choose ?

Angular, ReactJS

JavaScipt frameworks are developing very fast nowadays, meaning that today we frequently updating the versions of angular, reactJS and Vue.js. As we analyzed the number of open vacancies...

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Advantage of ReactJS & React Native


What Is ReactJS?             

ReactJS fundamentally is an open-source JavaScript library that is utilized for building UIs, particularly for single page applications....

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