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Category: PHP

Building Desktop Applications with NativePHP and Laravel

Laravel, PHP

NativePHP, created by Marcel Pociot at BeyondCode, allows Laravel Devs to leverage all the working knowledge we already have with Laravel to build native Linux and MacOS applications.

However, NativePHP was...

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Concrete5 : Why We Use Concrete5 CMS?


Concrete5 Content Management Systems (CMS) is used to develop the websites. As like other CMS platform it offers the ability to log in and manage the content of the website without any...

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What Makes Laravel Best PHP Framework?


Laravel framework development is an open source framework used in the development of PHP web applications. This offers high flexibility and stability to Laravel framework website development...

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Hire Full time PHP developer to develop your websites


At IT Path Solutions , our dedicated developers use a refined and state-of-the-art technical methodology. This serves our developers experience a meticulously, well-knitted laid framework for tasks, which empower...

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