The Best Practices for Mobile App Development Design for 2022

The Best Practices for Mobile App Development Design for 2022

Mobile app development
Ui/UX app design


Mobile app design is a multi faceted process and it depends on several factors. Purpose of the app, user experience, functionalities of the app and the design aesthetic preferred by the development team are the major criteria that decide the overall look, feel and experience of the app design.

In this article, we want to highlight the best practices that we are observing in the market and amongst ourselves. All the points are relevant for the upcoming design trends in 2022.

Here are the points to keep in mind. Let’s discuss each of it in some detail.

Do Market Research

What other contenders do for the same services or product, you need to take and integrate the best elements from it. To create an app that is relevant and as per the latest needs and requirements of the user and industry, you will need to perform market research through understanding the industry trends, user mentality and requirements through surveys and iterations of the app and through feedback from MVP.

Keep a clean splash screen

Splash screens can create technical bottlenecks for the development team and need to be planned by the development team. Where will the splash screens be used? What will load in the background while a splash screen appears?How different or similar will the splash screen be from the overall design of the app? These are the questions that need to be answered.

Use A Search Bar On the Top

A prominently placed search bar at the top speeds up the user’s search process and helps them find the feature or information the users are looking for. If your app is not complex, you might not need to have a search bar but if the app has multiple features a search bar might come in handy to the end users and provide better user experience.

Always plan your UI/UX design in-depth

Mobile Logo On The Top Left Corner

By and large, most apps will place the mobile logo at the top but either on the right or the left. We suggest using the left side for logo placement as it will give you more space on the right to place buttons and search bar.

Adding Voice Search Capabilities

Voice search will be a big thing in the future as most users have now become accustomed to voice commands. The app design needs to integrate voice based search and results that are shown accordingly. A high level of visual representation and low levels of text input are needed to make the app more voice compatible.

Use Relevant CTA

CTA or call to action is a key part of any app design. CTAs allow the app to lead users to a desired action. With relevant CTAs, you can reduce user confusion, guide them to the right actions and provide better navigation.

Map It All Out

Use pen and pacers and draw how the app will look like. Despite all the major tools today, writing it down still helps. By drawing or writing the app features and design manually you can map out many missing features and overall user experience that you need to offer. Plus it is fast, easy & cheap to make a paper-based design, allowing you to brainstorm with your team.

Do Proper Navigation

Figure out all the menus, navigation and how it will all come together. Plan out and sort all the menus that will form your app and it’s overall navigation. One simple rule should be that navigation reduces the distance between various sections. Provide links to the homepage and other main sections in the footer or other sections.

Utilize WireFrames

By using the feedback and inputs of all stakeholders and integrating menus, common elements such as buttons and menus. Try to create multiple versions if possible and sort out the best version. Keep your team in the loop when you design the wire frame. Use tools such as Figma for the same.

Keep UI Clean & Simple

By keeping your UI clutter free, you can increase the scope and scale of the app easily. Simple app designs are also easier to code and manage and create less opportunity for bugs and complexity. Simple designs allow users to navigate easily.

Keep Updating

Based on the user feedback from the MVP and newer version updates, keep updating your app and its features and design elements. This will ensure that you don’t lose out your user base to newer entrants and your app stays relevant in the market.


Good UI/UX design is the cornerstone of any successful app development. As such you need to have a clear idea of your app’s overall focus and goals and the type of interaction your user will do with your app. A lot of issues could be stopped from occurring if design was taken and executed seriously. If you are looking to understand the right design approach for your app this article should help you go on the right path. Also if you are looking for our experts to help you with your app design, do let us know and we will love to help you out.

Posted on January 3, 2022 by Keyur Patel
Keyur Patel

I’m a tech innovator who loves harnessing the power of technology to shape the future of businesses and innovation. With a relentless commitment to excellence, I lead an exceptional IT company named IT Path Solutions dedicated to driving digital transformation.