Custom WordPress Development in 2020

Custom WordPress Development

Custom WordPress Development

WordPress has managed to sustain itself as a web development platform, even during the toughest of competition and new platforms being created every year. What started as a pure blogging experience, now has turned out to be the most used platform for web development. Whether you want a simple website for your business or a complex e-commerce store. WordPress makes sure to cater all demands of developing a complete and user-friendly web experience for end users.

Whether you are a newbie developer or an experienced one. You know the flexibility of this platform built in PHP to cater every need through its many plugins. WordPress was the one to initiate the plugin structure in the era of static websites.

In a way, WordPress was a pioneer in many ways in creating dynamic websites and it also rooted the seeds for web 2.0. The robustness and enduring power of the WordPress platform has surprised many who thought it would slowly become obsolete in the age of social media pages and mobile friendly websites. But WordPress development and WordPress development companies have been thriving in the mobile era.

There are four primary reasons why WordPress has thrived in the mobile and social era and still retains its dominant position even today.

Robust Response to Technical Challenges: Whether its mobile friendly site layouts or faster backend engines or adapting to increasing demands of E-commerce, Out of all the legacy CMS systems, WordPress has responded to the various technical challenges better than the most. And despite the emergence of various open source and prebuilt solutions such as Magento or Shopify, WordPress still offers enough features and user experience to make it a preferred choice for many small and large organizations. Many WordPress development companies still offer WordPress development services to their consumers along with other technologies.

Plugins and Themes: What WordPress lacks in outright features, it makes up in themes and plugins. Almost any functionality or site design can be availed with the right plugins and themes. As of this article, there are nearly 57,000 plugins available with various functions and uses and nearly 8000 themes officially listed on the WordPress website, not counting the custom ones privately being used.

If you want to create a stunning website with a breathtaking appearance, WordPress should be your first option because the plugins makes it very easier to make beautiful and interactive UI, unlike other platforms, where you have to create the UI from scratch. Expert WordPress developers like IT Path Solutions can create a custom theme from scratch that fits your website needs like a glove.

Decentralized User Community: Further expanding on the first point about robust response to technical challenges, the decentralized nature of the WordPress community has allowed it to contribute thousands of plugins, themes and provide instant feedback on functionalities, bugs and errors. This decentralized but active community of WordPress enthusiasts, coders and developers has allowed WordPress to respond to technical challenges and come up with a better CMS than other legacy CMS.

Options of Creating Custom UI with plugins or from Scratch: Having a UI that is user-friendly as well as easy to eyes, is the basic requirement for any website today, because that is what will make you stand out from your competitors. And UI is always the strong point of websites made using WordPress. Even when UI is not your main point of focus, you can choose a basic free theme and work on the functionality.

Anyone having basic knowledge of PHP can work on or modify a WordPress website, and the vast variety of plugins available only act as cherry on cake. It is flexible both ways, if your focus is on functionality, choose a free theme and invest more on paid plugins with high end functionality. And if your focus is more on UI then functionality, you can always go for highly intrinsic WordPress themes that makes your UI stand out from the crowd.

It may be debatable that WordPress may not be the smartest of choice when the purpose is clear, such as an e-commerce store, because there are many platforms already available that are made purely for e-commerce websites. But when you consider the factor that WordPress has a strong game amongst so many competitors and has a large community of developers supporting it, you may want to reconsider your choice of platform. Whatever the purpose of your project, the clean structure of code and flexibility of WordPress cannot be denied.

If you are looking for a custom website, that best encapsulates your business or brand, Get Started with WordPress development today!

Keyur Patel
Keyur Patel

I’m a tech innovator who loves harnessing the power of technology to shape the future of businesses and innovation. With a relentless commitment to excellence, I lead an exceptional IT company named IT Path Solutions dedicated to driving digital transformation.